The Power of Gratitude

mindfulness, gratitude

The New Year brings with it the promise of potential for a fresh start, self-improvement and reflection. The practice of gratitude is a natural compliment to these restorative processes. Simply put, a gratitude practice is a consistent ritual for honoring the things, big and small, for which we are grateful. This can be through a daily thought, a written journal, or a verbal sharing of thanks. The gratitude movement has recently gained momentum for good reason; it benefits your physical health, emotional wellbeing and overall life satisfaction.

Many studies have shown physical health benefits of gratitude. It has become widely understood that such a practice is associated with inducing the relaxation response, reducing physical symptoms, improving sleep (depth and length), reduced blood pressure and increased energy. In addition, individuals who engage in gratitude practices are more likely to engage in regular physical exercise.

The emotional benefits of gratitude are significant. Daily gratitude journals have been associated with reduced depression and anxiety. Those who engage in the practice also report an increased sense of happiness, increased optimism and higher self-esteem. It is an action that can improve mood immediately; just thinking thankful thoughts can trigger the release of endorphins, our feel-good brain chemicals. Gratitude is also linked to a greater sense of connection to others and lowered feelings of isolation and loneliness.

One simple, relatively fast-acting way to fight negative mood states is to create a mental list of three things that you are grateful for – even something that might seem insignificant or unimportant. Things as simple as a particularly well-brewed cup of coffee or a person you passed on the street who gave you a friendly smile. By turning your focus toward that for which you are thankful, you are shaping your thoughts, which directly influence your emotions and behavior. Taking this small step can be a catalyst for significant positive changes in your overall daily experience.

hollywilliamsenThe Power of Gratitude